Chain Saw STIHL MS193C is a light weight, fantastically balanced rear handle chainsaw. Designed with more comfort features, this chainsaw is ideal for occasional use to get the job done. Technologically advanced, this machine has the ErgoStart (E) system, eliminating the need for a strong, fast pull of the starting rope, making operation especially quick and easy for just about anyone.
Spesifikasi Produk Chain Saw STIHL MS193C :
- Mesin : 2 Tak
- Isi SIlinder : 30.1 cc
- Kekuatan Mesin : 1.3 kW (1.8 bhp)
- Sistem Pegapian : Elektronik
- Kapasitas Tangki Oli Rantai : 0.22 L
- Kapasitas Tangki Bahan Bakar : 0.27 L
- Bahan Bakar : Bensin campur Oli 2T
- Perbandingan Campuran Oli 2 Tak STIHL : 1L Oli : 50 L Bensin
- Berat Mesin tanpa Bar dan Rantai : 3.5 kg
- Panjang Bar : 10 inch (25 cm), 12 inch (30 cm)
- Kecepatan Maksimum Mesin dengan Bar dan Rantai : 13.000 rpm
Standard equipment
EFFORTLESS STARTING. A smooth and even pull on the starter cord is all that’s needed. An additional spring between the crankshaft and the starter cord roll makes this easier.
HIGHLY POWER-EFFICIENT. This 2-stroke engine is low-maintenance and uses fuel efficiently even at high power levels. Use a mixture of petrol and engine oil as fuel. The STIHL 2-MIX engine complies with the strict EU Stage V emissions directive.
FOR SIMPLE AND SECURE RE-TENSIONING. Side-mounted chain tensioning allows for protected, easy and quick chain tensioning and replacement. The tensioning screw is inserted laterally through the sprocket cover.
FOR LOWER FUEL CONSUMPTION AND HIGH PERFORMANCE. Thanks to STIHL four-channel technology, you can work with your power tool with very low fuel consumption and high performance.
FOR MORE PLEASANT WORK. The result is that your power tool is more comfortable to hold and your work is much less tiring.
PROTECTION AGAINST LOSS The nuts are attached to the sprocket cover in a captive manner.
Tool free fuel caps
Special caps to open and close the tank cap quickly, easily and without tools.
Deviations from the product range and information provided here are possible, depending on the country. STIHL reserves the right to make changes to technical specifications and equipment.