Chain Saw STIHL MS230

Chain Saw STIHL MS230 With more power than the MS 211 and the same features as the MS 250, this occasional use chainsaw can definitely hold its own. With a high power-to-weight ratio for maximum performance and an ergonomic design, the MS 230 is built for a variety of purposes like trimming trees or cutting firewood.

Standard equipment


RE-TENSION THE SAW CHAIN TOOL-FREE. Thanks to STIHL Quick Chain Tensioning, you can tension your saw chain quickly and without tools, thanks to the adjusting wheel. Turning the adjusting wheel to the left releases tension on the saw chain, and turning the adjustment wheel to the right tensions the saw chain. The guide bar will be automatically secured when you tighten the sprocket cover.


FOR RELIABLE OPERATION EVEN IN WINTER. Thanks to carburettor preheating, you can work reliably with your chainsaw even in winter. You can change the operation from summer to winter mode in just one simple step. In the winter setting, pre-heated intake air flows around the carburettor, preventing it from icing up.


FOR SIMPLE AND SECURE RE-TENSIONING. Side-mounted chain tensioning allows for protected, easy and quick chain tensioning and replacement. The tensioning screw is inserted laterally through the sprocket cover.


FOR MORE PLEASANT WORK. The result is that your power tool is more comfortable to hold and your work is much less tiring.

Tool free fuel caps

Special caps to open and close the tank cap quickly, easily and without tools.

Spesifikasi Produk Chain Saw STIHL MS230 :

  • Mesin : 2 Tak
  • Isi SIlinder : 45.4 cc
  • Kekuatan Mesin : 2.0 kW (2.7 bhp)
  • Sistem Pegapian : Elektronik
  • Kapasitas Tangki Oli Rantai : 0.20 L
  • Kapasitas Tangki Bahan Bakar : 0.47 L
  • Bahan Bakar : Bensin campur Oli 2T
  • Perbandingan Campuran Oli 2 Tak STIHL : 1L Oli : 50 L Bensin
  • Berat Mesin tanpa Bar dan Rantai : 4.6 kg
  • Panjang Bar : 12 inch (30 cm), 14 inch (35 cm), 16 inch (40 cm)
  • Kecepatan Maksimum Mesin dengan Bar dan Rantai : 14.000 rpm

Chain Saw STIHL MS230

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