Chain Saw STIHL MS180

Chain Saw STIHL MS180 chainsaw gets back to basics with improved engine air flow and shroud design. With its improved design comes enhanced engine cooling and air filtration, giving you more consistent performance in the field. Make quick work of trimming branches, cutting small trees, and clearing fallen limbs after a storm. If you’re looking for a reliable, light-duty chainsaw for occasional use, the MS 180 is a value you can’t ignore.

  • Made in America

    A majority of STIHL products sold in America are made in America of U.S. and global materials.
  • IntelliCarb™ Compensating Carburetor

    The IntelliCarb™ Compensating Carburetor is designed to automatically adjust the air/fuel ratio when the air filter becomes restricted or partially clogged and maintains the engine’s correct RPM. IntelliCarb™ uses air from the clean side of the air filter to control the diaphragm and flow of fuel. As the air filter becomes dirty and less air is available for the carburetor, the IntelliCarb™ system adjusts the fuel flow to compensate for the decrease in air flow. This is in contrast to typical carburetors that utilize this air from the “dirty” side of the air box.


Spesifikasi Produk Chain Saw STIHL MS180 :

  • Mesin : 2 Tak
  • Isi SIlinder : 31.8 cc
  • Kekuatan Mesin : 1.5 kW (2.0 bhp)
  • Sistem Pegapian : Elektronik
  • Kapasitas Tangki Oli Rantai : 0.145 L
  • Kapasitas Tangki Bahan Bakar : 0.25 L
  • Bahan Bakar : Bensin campur Oli 2T
  • Perbandingan Campuran Oli 2 Tak STIHL : 1L Oli : 50 L Bensin
  • Berat Mesin tanpa Bar dan Rantai : 3.9 kg
  • Panjang Bar : 14 inch (35 cm), 16 inch (40 cm)
  • Kecepatan Maksimum Mesin dengan Bar dan Rantai : 14.000 rpm

Chain Saw STIHL MS180

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